,,, to the ends of the earth: Rukungiri Growers Orphams and Disabled Childrens Project - 5

,,, to the ends of the earth

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Rukungiri Growers Orphams and Disabled Childrens Project - 5

Learning Life Skills for Brain Damaged Children - Evas is an occupatrional therapist. She visits villages to teach parents how to help their children who have cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, stroke, epilepsy...... She teaches them washing and feeding skills initially with the overall aim to teach them a skill that will help the family eg a child with only one useful hand can be taught to use a knitting machine. Learning aids are in short supply and are expensive so only the most needy children recieve them. A very few are set to the countries' only special needs school in Kampala but school fees here are very high.

The picture shows Evas teaching a parent how to stretch the child's muscles to prevent contracture. The parent will then do this at home and attend clinic again in a month for the next exercise. The group is good support for the parents as well as the child as many parents do not know anyone else with a disabled child.


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