,,, to the ends of the earth: February 2009

,,, to the ends of the earth

Friday, February 06, 2009

Education - teeth cleaning!

We visitied a local NGO who educates/ feeds / houses up to 195 children who are orphaned or who live on the rubbish dump. Until our team went they were sharing toothbrushes between 5. We did some basic teeth cleaning education and now they all have a new toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste (all for less than £30!).

In addition we fed 100 people who make their living sorting the rubbish on the land-fill site (more about this in my next newsletter.)

6 houses later!

Team 1 have gone (arriving in the UK to the snow last weekend).

They had built the living / cooking / relaxation area onto 6 houses of families who had been relocated from the river front (photo 1)- here people had to contend with floods, flith, diseases, termites and a life of indescribable poverty. (This was in the dry season and looked quite reasonable - imagine 3m of filthy sewerage water swilling underneath / through these homes.)

They were "evicted" by their landlord when he wanted to sell this prime land to developers who will build new luxary homes and offices. These people were the lucky ones - they were able to be re-housed in concrete 1-room homes (2nd picture). We built the 2nd room that allows for 'outside' space and security. The first team managed the first 6 houses - with 12 more to go we are on track.