,,, to the ends of the earth: February 2007

,,, to the ends of the earth

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


For those of you who dug trenches and made blocks here is the result of your labour.
See the stand-pipe in the foreground and 3 completed VIP toilets - ie no smells and no flies!! - for the clever science look at the Oxfam website.


Last week we all went to a hotel for a week for some desperately needed R&R. This is the view from my hotel window. (For those of you that know Sierra Leone - this is Lumley Beach.)

Presidents' Cocktail Party

24th January is National Armed Forces day.

Simon promised me cocktails with the president. What I got was tradiaional African food with the Defence Minister!!

Here I am with the silver-wear that the armed forces are so proud of.

End of January

This is the new building when team 3 left. Now (sorry no picture) this building is complete and almost ready for occupation by the boys - we are now trying to secure funding for furniture.

The scouts of Sierra Leone are working for us now on a semi-permanent basis - this is fantastic as the project is moving on so much faster.


When the last team were here we were able to make links with the army chaplains. Here you can see some of them helping on the building site. On this particular day there were about 30 scouts, 30 army chaplains and 10 of us from Mission Direct all working on the St George’s site.
Have you tried managing 60 Africans and a bunch of british builders??